Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Summer Schedule

Here is the schedule we came up with at our last gathering:

June 7, 6pm BBQ at Matt & Bev’s
*Bring your favorite side dish and beverage

June 21, 7pm At Assumption-Lou leading
*Rosary at 6:30pm

July 4, 4pm 4th of July festivities at Rob’s parents
*Bring your favorite side dish and beverage

July 19, 7pm At Assumption-Rob getting guest speaker
*Rosary at 6:30pm

August 2, 6pm BBQ at Evan & Elisa’s
*Bring your favorite side dish and beverage

August 16, 7pm At Assumption-Sarah leading
*Rosary at 6:30pm

September 6, 6pm BBQ at Rob’s
*Bring your favorite side dish and beverage

September 20, 7pm At Assumption-Guest Speaker
*Rosary at 6:30pm

New Members BBQ
June 24, 1pm at Fairhaven Park

Friday, May 25, 2007


The purpose of this blog is to serve as a communication tool for the Catholic Young Adults group of the Assumption and Sacred Heart parishes of Bellingham, WA.

Please check back for dates and locations of upcoming events.